<div id="left">
Man is a masterpiece of creation(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[if for no other reason than that,](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding,](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[he believes he has free will.](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[— Georg C. Lichtenberg](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(click-goto:?page,"Title page")(stop:)]
<div id="big"> [Equivocal] </div>
(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[<div id="small">Ushna Khalid]</div>(stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $startReal is "true")[
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[Play->actualstart]]](stop:)]
](else: )[
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[Play->start]]](stop:)]
(after: 15s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingTitle")]
Birds are chirping(after: 1.5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[Get out of bed->1]]
[[Stay in bed->1]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
You gaze around the room(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[Observe the wall paper->2]]
[[Peer down at the desk->2]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
Theres a bridge (after: 1.5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[Jump->after bridge]]
(cycling-link: bind _recall, "Are you confused?", "Whats there to be confused about?", "Nothings even happened yet", "Just choose the other option")
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
You jumped (after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Why'd you do that?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Was there no other option?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I'm sure there was](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Because I do remember typing it out](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Did it not do anything?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[How about you [[check->checking after 3]] again](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[[[I'd rather not->not checking after 3]] again](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
3yes set true
(set: $startReal to "true")
(set: $pause to "true")
(set: $a1 to (either: "option 1", "option 2", "option 3"))
(if: $a1 is "option 1")[
(set: $a2 to (either: "option 1.1", "option 2.2", "option 3.3"))
(else-if: $a1 is "option 2")[
(set: $a2 to (either: "option 4.4", "option 5.5", "option 1.1"))
(else-if: $a1 is "option 3")[
(set: $a2 to (either: "option 6.6", "option 2.2", "option 4.4"))
](set: $startReal to "true")
Theres a bridge (after: 1.5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[(cycling-link: bind _recall, "Jump", "Jump")
(cycling-link: bind _recall, "Are you confused?", "Was something else supposed to happen?", "Thats weird", "Oh well, now you know this doesn't lead anywhere", "Now what?", "Well now what?", "This is just gonna repeat forever", "And ever")
](stop:)](after: 10s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well this is amusing](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Now what are you going to do?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Restart the game?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well rather than restarting the page, how about you let me lead you to the actual page](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Cause then you'll have to go through this again](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Here you [[go ->Starting poem]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
Well then..... (after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Now what?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well we cant just end it here.](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Are you not curious to check again?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Ok well I have nothing for you here so you're going to have to start again](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[buh bye](stop:)] (after: time + 1s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "loading")]
Well well well(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You're here to make choices](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well lets give you some choices then hm?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Lets see](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[hmmm](stop:)] (after: time + 7s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Oh here we go](stop:)] (after: time + 1.5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingStart")]
Well which way did you go?(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[It doesnt really matter I suppose](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Your choices dont really matter unless I decide they do](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Ok fine](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[(cycling-link: bind _recall, "Here", "There")
(cycling-link: bind _recall, "There", "Here")](stop:)] (after: time + 20s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[This is funny](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: 5s)[(goto: "1.2")]
You walk out of the room(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
There is an interesting pattern adorned there(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[Look closely->3]]
[[Trace your finger on it->3]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[What is that?->5]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
I dont see anything?(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")
[[[Right there->bridge]]
[[Can't you see it?->bridge]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
Loading...(after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "Starting poem")]
Choices are a strange thing(after: 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[So far the choices you've made have had either no effect...](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Or you were just lead back to the beginning](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You have no free will here](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "1.3")]
People believe they have free will(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well most do....](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I never believed in free will. Sure you can make choices and think you made it unprompted](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[But is it really a choice when you have to select an option rather than picking your own](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Like yes you chose it but you had to choose an option that was provided](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
[[You shouldn't say that->dont agree]]
[[You have a point..->agree]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "ending1.3")]
(live: 3s)[(goto: "1.4")]
Oh whatever
(live: 3s)[(goto: "1.4")]
Well that was a choice you were free to make(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[But both choices lead to this page right?](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[So what did your choice accomplish?](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well you shared your opinion](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I dont really care too much](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "1.5")]
Well then how about we give you some choices hm?(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Something that you can choose to do](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[That will have some effects and whatnot](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
[[Change colour of background->colour change]]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "ending1.5")]
Well(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Isn't that lovely](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You must be proud](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "cc2")]
Well(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Look over there](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Its a tree](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "e3")]
To be fair(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You had to select 1 of two options](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Or restart the game of course](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I got to select the colour](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Not you](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[But atleast you branched to another path](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Only because I made that an option](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "cc3")]
How about we just sit here and enjoy the option you chose(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "cc4")](live: 35s)[(goto: "cc5")]
(set: $startReal to "false")
(set: $pause to "true")
Well(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[If you're seeing this it means you waited a whole 30 seconds](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[congrats](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[If you're wondering if this game has an ending](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[It doesn't](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Im just gonna loop it forever and ever](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Lemme just clear out some cache and cookies](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Alright tata](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "Starting poem")]
Well(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Thats no fun](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You cant just choose to not do anything](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well if you really want to just not do anything then fine](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I suppose we can just end it here](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "blank")]
(live: 30s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Its done go away](stop:)]
(live:40s)[(goto-url: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley')]
Oh you're not going to say anything?
(live: 3s)[(goto: "ending1.3.1")]
Well thats just rude
(live: 3s)[(goto: "ending1.3.2")](set:$pause to "true")
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "endingPart1opts")]
Well then fine be like that. Theres nothing more to see
(live: 3s)[(goto: "blank")]
(live: 3s)[(goto: "ending1.3.1")]
Oh wow
(live: 3s)[(goto: "endingTitle2")]
That's just low
(live: 3s)[(goto: "endingTitle3")]
Fine then. Theres nothing else to see
(live: 3s)[(goto: "blank")]
Its a nice tree isnt it(after: 7s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[This is boring](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Its just a tree](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "e4")]
Are u enjoying this imaginary tree(after: 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[it is very](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[uh..](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[it is a tree](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "e5")]
lets just enjoy the tree that is very much there(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "eblank")]
this is boring(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "e7")]
Well(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I've learned a lot from this tree](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Thank you for sitting through this whole thing that I planned out](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I had to choose what you could see](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I suppose this was not exploring](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[But whatever](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "e8")]
(set: $startReal to "false")
(set: $pause to "true")
So(after: 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[congrats](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[You did something pointless](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[If you're wondering if this game has an ending](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[It doesn't](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Im just gonna loop it forever and ever](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Lemme just clear out some cache and cookies](stop:)] (after: time + 6s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Alright tata](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(goto: "Starting poem")]hi
(live: 35s)[(goto: "e6")]
People believe they have free will(after: 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Well most do....](stop:)] (after: time + 4s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Religion](stop:)] (after: time + 2s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[God gave you free will so it can be judged whether or not you go to heaven or hell](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Tch. How merciful](stop:)] (after: time + 3s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[I never believed in free will. Sure you can make choices and think you made it unprompted](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[But is it really a choice when you have to select an option rather than picking your own](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[Like yes you chose it but you had to choose an option that was provided](stop:)] (after: time + 5s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(live: .5s)[(t8n:"dissolve")[
[[You shouldn't say that->dont agree]]
[[You have a point..->agree]]](stop:)]
(after: 40s, (cond: visits > 0, 200ms, 0))[=
(if: $pause is "true")[
(live: .35s)[(goto: "ending1.3")]